Peter Rabbit Favourite Stories Collection 9 Books Set
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Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Friends Forever
Peter, Lily and Benjamin are the very best of friends. Surely nothing can change that . . . Benjamin thinks Lily is amazing – she knows EVERYTHING! Lily promises to teach Benjamin about nature and they set off on a nature walk together. Peter is bored – he wants to go on an ADVENTURE, but his friends are more interested in leaves and bugs – and feeling left out, he sets off on a radish raid in Mr McGregor’s garden. But suddenly Benjamin and Lily are in trouble. It’s time for Peter to prove he’s a true friend and leap to the rescue!
Lily’s Party Time
Get ready to party with Lily, Peter and Benjamin . . . Jeremy Fisher’s concert party is in full swing when Samuel Whiskers and Mr Tod crash in – it’s party pandemonium! Can the three friends save their family and friends from the fearsome fox and his sneaky side-kick?
Football Fever
Everyone has gone football crazy! It’s rabbits versus squirrels. But surely squirrels can’t play football, can they…? Peter Rabbit and his friends have hit the screen on Cbeebies and everybody wants to join Peter Rabbit’s club! So much more than a story – study the map, enjoy the adventure, complete Peter’s special skill challenge and fill in your very own certificate!
Happy Birthday Peter
It’s Peter Rabbit’s birthday, and his friends and family are planning a surprise party. But there’s a problem – Mr Tod is trying to stop them! Will they make it to the party on time, or will the surprise be ruined?
Treehouse Rescue
Peter and his friends embark on a brave and dangerous quest for a secret clubhouse to escape the clutches of the hungry fox, Mr Tod. To help him on his adventures, Peter is never without his cousin Benjamin Bunny and their good friend Lily Bobtail. Lots of their friends (and enemies) will be familiar to lovers of Beatrix Potter’s timeless animal tales, such as bonkers Squirrel Nutkin, kindly Mrs Tiggy-Winkle and the scary farmer, Mr McGregor.
Mystery Thief
Beatrix Potter’s timeless character Peter Rabbit comes to life in a brand new series based on her well-loved children’s books. Mischievous, charming and brave, Peter is a hero who overcomes obstacles, outwits predators and dodges danger on his exciting adventures.Lovingly created in soft pastel hues and set amidst the sweeping landscapes of the Lake District, The Tale of the Radish Robber sees Peter, Benjamin Bunny and their new friend – a white rabbit named Lily Bobtail – trying to find somewhere safe to enjoy the radishes they have stolen from Mr McGregor’s vegetable garden. But someone else is after them too . . . Who could it be? Is is toothsome Mr Tod? Is it silly Squirrel Nutkin? Or is it someone much closer to home .
The Peter Rabbit Club
Peter, Lily, and Benjamin are forming a club!Peter, Benjamin, and Lily are best friends. To make it official, theyre forming a club. Little do they know that the three worst villians in the forest are also forming a club to catch the rabbits for dinner!
Peter Saves The Day
Stealing Old Brown’s glasses is really NOT a good idea, but silly Squirrel Nutkin just can’t resist! Luckily his good friends Peter Rabbit, Benjamin and Lily are around to help him find them before the angry owl tracks him down. It’s a matter of remembering where he’s been and retracing his steps and some of his footsteps are PURPLE . . .
Peter’s Secret Mission
Grumpy Old Brown has stolen Peter’s journal, left to him by his dad. Peter, Lily and Benjamin and their squirrel friends set off on a TOP SECRET mission to Owl Island to get it back. But when Nutkin is in danger Peter must make a choice: will he save his precious journal or his special friend?
Peter Rabbit Favourite Stories Collection 9 Books Set
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